Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Wedding

Minnesota was COOOOLLLLLDDDDD! This is coming from a Texas girl you know! The day before we left it was 90 degrees here in south Texas. We get to MN and it's in the teens and twenties. Thank God it was not minus teens and minus twenties!

Minnesota was beautiful and white. White, white everywhere. Lots of snow. I think Jake and Chance stepped in every bit of snow they could find. They loved playing in the snow with Wacey and Duke. I was not there at the time so I have no pictures of it unfortunately. In fact, I only have one snow picture and it did not turn out that well.

The wedding was absolutely beautiful. The bride was gorgeous and the groom was handsome in his "blues".

Everything about it was perfect except I wish there would have been more of my family there. But I know they were there in spirit.

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